Thursday, May 10, 2012

I Got a Bite! Aka, an Interview

Haven't written for a few days... a few hectic days... but I do have life updates!

First, I am free!! Well, sort of. I finished my last final on Monday, so I can officially kiss 1L good bye (and good riddance!). Alas, I still have the writing competition, which will suck up the next four days of my life. I am also back in California at my parent's house for the next couple weeks. Since they are currently in Phoenix at some...thing... for my dad's firm, I have the house to myself. Which would be more exciting, if I were more exciting. Right now, it has been me hanging out with the dog, Coco, and starting writing competition. Par-tay.

Also on Monday, I got a call from one of the *many* jobs to which I have been applying. It is essentially a PR position with a well-known academic institution in the city, and would primarily involve me writing, editing and forwarding PR announcements, letters, etc. There apparently would also be some travel-around-the-country involved (which, as someone who likes to be on the move, I am A-OK with this).

The phone interview for the job was on Tuesday. I think it went well, although it is always hard to tell on phone interviews, because you can't "read" the other person's body language. It went on for a half hour, and I made the lady laugh a couple times. I guess that is a good sign? And of course, I had to talk about the whole I-have-been-in-law-school-for-a-year thing. I was kind of worried about that... how do you talk about that without being awkward/sounding like a cop-out/lazy person/not dedicated person/flake? But, I decided that the best way to address it, was to hit it head-on, and just be honest and frank. Hopefully it worked, and wasn't awkward. The thing about awkwardness, though, that I have figured out, is that it is what you make of it. If you are self-conscious, if you focus on how "awkward" a situation is or will be, it will be awkward. It is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you go in with an attitude, of "Fuck it, I am here and this is happening," things actually tend to work out better. I compare situations where I have been self-concious, and situations where I...focus on other things... 9 time out of 10, the latter works out better.

At any rate, the job sounds like it would be interesting, fun, and definitely a much needed change of pace, while still allowing me to use and further develop skills I like to use (namely, writing, research, public speaking). And it pays pretty decently, too, which is always a plus. The lady interviewing me asked me what my "salary expectations" were for the positions. Salary expectations? Lady, I haven't had a real job except for working at summer camps and Toys R Us. Right now, as a student, I make negative income. ANY income would be a marked improvement. Not having to be on food stamps would be nice, beyond that anything else is a bonus. When she asked me to ballpark, I think I said something around 25K/year. It actually pays substantially more than that. Which is nice. I hope I get to the second round of interviews, because I think this would be a good opportunity for me. A good way for me to not be a student.

Which brings me to my next point. I saw my regular, California primary care doctor today, to ask her why she thinks my immune system has gone on an extended holiday. Her thoughts? Basically, she thinks my sleep disorder, while probably a disorder, was actually my body *needing* all that extra sleep to function. While most of the population does just dandy on 7-8 hours of sleep a night, some people need more. Like, perhaps my body does need 10 hours of sleep to function properly. Since I have been on the anti-sleepy drug, I have been feeling energized on the typical 7-8 hours, but she thinks that it might be masking my getting sleep deprived. And the no. one cause of immune system crashing, is not enough sleep. Awesome.

Well, that is all very well and good, and probably true. But unfortunately, the world isn't made for people who need ten hours of sleep a night. Particularly not law school, and particularly not the legal profession in general, where people tend to be over-worked and under a lot of stress. My doctor's opinion was, that to get through law school, I would just have to get more sleep at night, meaning that I would have to cut out most socializing, so that I could get all that work done early, go to bed, etc., etc. Which sucks. And if that is truly what I will need to do to maintain health but also not fall behind on my work, I don't know if I am prepared or willing to it. One works to live, not the other way around. And a lifestyle of class (or office hours)-homework-bed, would make me go nuts. The opinion of the doctor really started me thinking again, and is yet another reason to take some time and re-evaluate. Perhaps I am just going to have to admit defeat, admit to myself that I am not really a healthy person, and that to be in a high-pressure-cooker job, I will either have to give up my health, or my sanity. And I don't think I really want to do either. What is the point of success and security, if the quality of life sucks?

Life, man. Life.

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