Wednesday, May 2, 2012


So, after last night's word vomit, I decided that I should lay out some parameters and expectations (or something) for this blog, as well as explain some not-as-obvious stuff about my choices in making this blog.

1. I solemnly swear that no post will ever be as long as the one from last night, from here on in (unless something particularly epic happens, but somehow I doubt that even that will warrant another War and Peace). And, posts from now on will most likely be more thought and reflection, less narrative. But I figured the narrative was needed, or none of the thoughts going forward would make much sense.

2. The name of the blog. Perhaps seemingly kind of random for the purpose of the blog. Well, the explanation is as follows: particularly in the last couple years, I have found that many completely unexpected and surprising things have happened to me, many of them counter to logical expectations (exhibit A: getting into the law school I am at, being in Chicago again). Whenever I tell these stories of inexplicable randomness, I tend to end it with, "So... that happened," to convey the sense of surprise and, "wtf." Since this blog is all about big, perhaps unexpected changes, and following unanticipated paths, I figured "So... That happened" would be as appropriate a title as any. I feel it expresses the sentiment and unplanned-ness of the current moment of my life.

3. The baby in the picture? It's me! Wasn't I just cute as a button? This was a picture of me in the bathroom of our house in San Fran, of which I only really remember the stairwell. So lay your fears to rest, that is not any kid of mine (god no). Also, unrelated, I was going to ask the rhetorical question, "aren't those baby clothes 80s-tastic?" But then I realized something: all baby clothes still basically...look the same. It's like baby fashion rocketed away from that frilly crap from the Victorian age and early 20th century (that made even male babies look like girls), and then didn't progress for the next 30 years. I wonder why this is... But I digress.

4. A little about me, that might make my approach to this blog when I write, make more sense. This is actually a fairly recent epiphany, and I re-posting this from what I wrote on my Facebook page.

I have had a realization about myself: Despite the fact that I am a generally boring person, a so-called high achiever who can count the number of times I have had a drink on two hands, maybe one, I have a deep-seated dislike and resentment of authority. My disdain for religion can be traced to it, as can my disdain for political correctness, and all the problems I had while living in my sorority house. I at once order my life to please those in authority, but also to make it such that I am my only true master. I want financial independence faster, and when I get eventually get married I will maintain my own bank account. I guess I figure, since I am not engaged in anything illegal, and try and make it a point to "live and let live," I shouldn't have to conform my actions to what others-- individuals, groups, ideologies-- think is "right." I don't gratuitously go around trying to make something of it, and in most things I conform, but I will always be trying to do what I can to maximize my personal freedom. Total and complete individualism ftw.

So, that's about it. I now have to engage in a massive clean up of my apartment, pay rent, and then start studying for my Jurisprudence final. Whoo! May also apply to another job for today. Also unrelated, I find coding in html annoying. Just thought I would throw that one out there. Ciao!

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