Sunday, August 19, 2012

Attack of the Moving Boxes

Moving officially sucks.

I imagine that this is not the most mind-blowing statement ever made, as I am pretty sure that every person at some point in their lives realizes this fact. But it is really, really unpleasant. I have moved before, but packing up a dorm room is very very different than packing up an apartment that includes all crap from said dorm room, plus many many other things picked up over the year that are needed for an apartment. Like furniture. And an entertainment system. And a piano/keyboard thing. Plus in addition to all of that, there is even more stuff, because we have all of my boyfriend's stuff as well. We have kind of been leisurely about packing (although I imagine that will change starting tomorrow, as D-Day is Thursday), so the apartment basically looks like a tornado went through it. Or a bomb. You get the picture. As someone who grew up in a very clean home, and tries to keep things at least somewhat orderly, I find this actually very distressing. It's like no matter what I do right now, I can't make the apartment look better. Or habitable. This for me is probably the worst part of moving.

And the packing just generally. Mostly because I am so sick of packing. Not two weeks ago, I had to pack up my dorm room in New York, including two boxes I had to ship ahead. Before that, I had packed, unpacked, and packed again to visit my parents in California. I feel like I spend my whole damn life packing and unpacking shit. And I am *so* over it. I suppose it is the nature of the point in my life that I am at, but this whole Bedouin-like existence of always being on the move is kind of getting old.

And yet I also miss being able to travel around. While the experience itself was kind of a mixed bag, one of the things I really miss about study abroad (I went to France during my junior year of college) was the fact that essentially, every other weekend I could hop on the high-speed train, and within a few hours, be somewhere entirely new. I didn't have to stay in one place; I could experience new fabulousness, new experiences so easily. This traveling and moving around though, is all kind of mundane. And just annoying. It's like I am settled in but not. It's funny-- right now I am going through OCI, which if I go down that path would both pay exceedingly well, but also really settle me in. Other than the fact that I haven't gotten any callbacks so I probably won't happen, if I do go down that road, I will be a long ways towards settling into a very stable life. Finally. But I am also not sure I want that kind of stable life at this point. When I came to law school, I did so with visions of working in a legal field that allowed me to go new places, experience new things, meet interesting and important people, engage in an active and worthwhile employment. I thought I'd spend my third year abroad, getting a joint degree from a foreign country's law school. All that seems kind of far away now. I guess I am feeling like I am too young to be boring. Curse you, Season 1 finale of How I Met Your Mother (my boyfriend has gotten me watching courtesy of his Netflix streaming account).

Well anyways, for now it is on to bigger and better things (and by that I mean a nicer apartment. With a ceiling fan, apparently). On an unrelated note, I am feeling really guilty that I haven't yet signed up for a PAWS volunteer session; but, I am moving... and just, no. :( Also, I finally finished my last project from work (clocking in at 94 pages, bitches)!! So I can finally say I am a free woman...for about two weeks, until classes start. Oy.

Until the next update...

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