Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Link Round-up: Nice Things

There seems to be a lot of negativity in the world these days, and a lot going around to make people feel down. From violence and turbulence, to a non-existant job market while the loans stack up, sometimes (or often) it can be difficult to keep a positive disposition. Often when I am feeling frustrated (which seems to be, for me anyway, the most prominent negative emotion to surface lately), I go online to try to find distraction, and something reaffirm my faith in the world. So I am instituting a new feature to the blog, that will pop up from time to time: Link Round-up. Link Round-up will be a collection of five links to "things" found around the internet, with a mostly-positive theme attached to them (things that are funny, things that are cray-cray, etc.). Tonight's round-up are things that are "nice," as in things that when I saw them, I went "hey, that's really cool/nice." Without further ado:

Nice Things

1. Finding out that my friend Kathryn was selected as poet of the month. She also has a blog, which you can check out here.

2. Brazil using superheroes to fight pediatric cancer.

3. Ten year old owning it on America's Got Talent.

4. Finland starting new mothers out on the right foot.

5. Separated pets being reunited with their owners after the Oklahoma tornado.

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